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Our Programs

Our Program

You are only as safe around the water as your skills allow you to be. We believe every individual should learn water safety and how to swim/survive in the aquatic environment, then build upon those valuable skills to develop proper stroke techniques.  Our program allows individuals to learn lifesaving swim skills in weeks, not years.

Parents and kids across Trinidad & Tobago prefer Aquatica Survival  Swim School because we offer:

  • A unique curriculum that is convenient and can work with your busy schedule
  • A wide variety of available program options, including infant, toddler and adaptive programs
  • One-to-One, small group and family lessons offered
  • An emotionally and intellectually stimulating environment
  • Safety and supervision at all times
  • Internationally trained and certified staff
  • Year-round lessons available
  • Convenient locations

ALL students are required to be evaluated to be enrolled in their correct level.


AquaTots & AquaKids Survival Lessons – Levels 1 & 2
Safety is our number one priority and we believe that learning basic survival skills in the water should be the foundation of any introductory survival aquatic program. The first step is therefore introducing infants to the water in a calm and patient environment so that infants can develop a level of trust and explore new skills
The Infant / Toddler Survival Swim program at Aquatica Survival Swim School is a unique style of safety lessons that equips your child with the necessary skills to survive in the water. Our dedicated, knowledgeable instructors offer unsurpassed excellence in the field of infant and toddler swimming instruction.
This class can be done 1-1 with an instructor or with a parent accompanying their tot into the water. Your child will be gently introduced to the water, and once comfortable, the instructor/parent will work with him/her to guide them through the lesson process and build a level of trust and comfort in the water. Once this is established, your child will begin to learn how to roll-back-to-float and then eventually start the swimming process depending on the child’s age.
This class is designed to transform your infant/toddler from being totally helpless in the water into confident, capable swimmers in weeks, not years. This ability and independence brings some relief and confidence to parents; not just meeting their expectations, but exceeding them. Teaching children to save their lives is our number one priority.

Swim School – Levels 3-7
Our program is broken down into a step-by-step process of five levels in swim school wherein one skill is built upon another. The requirements for every level become essential building blocks and bridges to the next skill. We also believe that every child learns at a different pace. There are no time limits for completion for each level. It will be up to your swim instructor to decide which level your child will be in and when they can move to the next level. Swimming is a lifelong activity and we strive to give each child the tools they need to be competent, confident and independent in the water. Skills are practiced repetitively so your child learns each skill to a level of proficiency. We build competence and confidence through repeated success and consistency with their training.
Swimmers, in the first 3 levels, work 1-1 with an instructor and as independence is developed, swimmers are placed in small groups of no more than five (5) comparably skilled children to master our additional skill levels.

Stroke Introduction and Technique – Levels 8-12
A program designed for the proficient swimmer interested in perfecting the competitive strokes of Front Crawl, Backstroke, Butterfly and Breaststroke. Starts and Turns, Jumps and Dives will also be taught. Program meets once each week for 45 minutes. These classes are a group setting with hands-on teaching that work towards advanced stroke technique.

Pre-competitive Swim Squad
This program is for the advanced swimmer looking to continue their swimming journey past basic swimming techniques and get into competitive swimming.

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